Thursday, March 10, 2011


"Vision is seeing what everybody has seen but thinking what nobody has thought."

As a pastor many times it would be easy to get caught up in trying to do do what every other so called successful church is doing.  We have to be people that see everything we can but then pray that God would give us eyes to see what He see's and that we would see what He wants us to see.  

At Galena Assembly we have a thriving bus ministry.  I can remember when churches started moving away from the bus ministry and then tried to say that bus ministry will not work in this day and age. It works for us. We break records every week for how many kids are coming to church through bus ministry.  It may not have worked at other churches, but it does work here.  

Let me challenge you as a leader or pastor.  Just because something is or isn't working for another church does not mean it will or will not work for you.  Pray, get vision to see what God wants you to see, and then move out.  

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
Romans 12:2

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