Thursday, June 4, 2009


Our family travelled to Iowa this last weekend.  It was good to back close to home.  I forgot how big the old cottonwoods get next to the river and how the leaves make that rushing noise when the breeze blows through them.  A couple of times I actually felt my body just relax and exhale.
I am not a tree hugger, but I do appreciate the beauty that God has created around us.  The Bible tells us that the whole earth is filled with Gods glory.  Everything around us reflects the glory of God.  The trees, the river, the birds, the sunsets, the stars in the night sky, and the beauty of the people and how unique each one of us is.  Sometimes we take for granted the mundane things.  But behind the mundane is the miraculous.  
Where do you see the miraculous in your life today?  What mundane thing is God's miraculous waiting behind?  Look for it today.

Monday, June 1, 2009


BHAG stands for Big Harry Audacious Goals.  What is yours?  Before you answer I want you to hear what this fellow pastor Adam Hamilton said, 
"Too many churches (People) dream safe, easily attainable dreams.  They don't risk, they don't require faith, they don't need God in order to be accomplished.  Bruce Wilkinson says God's people are expected to attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed..... unless God steps in."
So I ask again, what are you dreaming about?  What are the goals for your life?  Are they big enough that God must intervene or else you will fail?