Monday, November 30, 2009

Life Lesson #2

Never Stop Learning
If I remember correctly studies show that the average person when graduating from college only reads a few books over the course of the rest of his life. My parents taught me the value of learning. My father received an award for Outstanding Alumni of the college he attended. I will never forget one thing he said during his address to the graduates. Never stop learning!
I made a commitment at the beginning of 2009 to read 50 books this year. As of today I am at 41. They range from Insightful books from great theologians and Bible scholars to biographies of great Presidents of our Country. Reading helps us to learn so much more than what we would normally pick up in life on a day to day basis. Out of the 41 books I have read there were some great ones, but the one that I am scheduled to finish reading on December 31st is the greatest one by far and none of the other 41 can hold a candle to the value, insight, lessons, wisdom, or life that it brings everyday to me. It is the number one best selling book of all time. It is the Bible. No book can replace the holy scriptures in my library and I learn so much from it.
To never stop learning you have to recognize the teachable moments that God brings into your life. Every experience, whether victorious or failure, is an opportunity to learn. Look for those moments. Even in the midst of tragedy and pain God can still teach us something. Never get so educated that you fail to keep learning. In between every sunrise and sunset there are moments to learn greater lessons and truths than we can ever imagine.
Never stop learning!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Life Lesson #1

In the next few posts I am going to share some of the valuable lessons I have learned in my life. Today I want to share lesson number one.
You Past Does Not Define Your Future.
This was a hard one for me to learn. Growing up I made a lot of mistakes and bad decisions. The choices I made were out of a wrong mindset. The Bible tells us that "What a man thinks in his heart, that he is." This is so true. Once I got labeled as "lazy" or "someone who won't amount to much" I took on that mindset and began to see myself as a failure and worthless. I didn't believe that I would be able to be successful in anything that I tried. I then took it one step further and began to see and allow my mistakes and decisions to become a foundation that I built my life upon. It was embarassing and shameful for me. I walked around with shame literally shackling me and holding me back from living a good and victorious life.
But all that changed when I gave my life to Christ. It was a starting over. My slate was wiped clean. Jesus used terms like "being born again" and "a new creation" to describe what takes place in our lives when we invite him into our lives.
My past is still my past. But God has redeemed my past in that many of the failures and mistakes I made I am able to come alongside other people today and help them overcome their past with the help of God.
I am living proof that your past does not have to define your future. I am not happy that I made the choices I made, but I am overjoyed that God has used those things in my past to make me a better Man, Husband, Father, Pastor and friend.
Don't let your past define your future! Today is a brand new day and God has a plan for your life today!