Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I was reading 1 Timothy this morning and came to this in verse 4, "For everything created by God is good..."

How much do we really believe this.  Everyday we make judgement about people, and we decide whether they are good or bad.  In Genesis 1:31 it says, "And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good."

Have you ever thought about this?  We walk through life viewing people but never really seeing them as God saw them the day He created them.  When we look around at people we make judgments based on clothing, hair, tattoos and piercings.  We determine the value of people based on their social standing; job, education, marriage, money, car, house, boat, etc.  But God sees what he created and He calls them good.  No matter what value others have placed on them.

We as the body of Christ have lost our perspective.  One translation of the word view means to form an opinion.  We view from afar.  We view to form an opinion.  A translation of the word see means to comprehend, realize and perceive with our eyes.

How many people do we walk by every single day, hour and minute and only view them but never really see them?  Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 13:13, "For they look, but do not really see..."  We need to have the eyes of Jesus.  To truly see the value, the good that God has created in people around us.  But to do this it takes time, it takes energy, it takes caring for others.

Who have you missed truly seeing today?  Look beyond the surface and dig deeper to mine the good God has placed in others.

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