Sunday, March 28, 2010

Relevant or Revolutionary

"If we are to achieve results never before accomplished, we must expect to employ methods never before attempted." - Sir Francis Bacon One of the hazards the longer you are in a leadership position is the danger of falling into patterns or ruts. We can begin to do things out of habit and tradition and lose the excitement of being led by the Spirit of God. Gods message of love, hope, healing, forgivness, and acceptance does not change. But sometimes the methods change. In leadership circles a lot of attention has been given to being culturally relevant. I belive this is not correct. Being culturally relevant means relecting the culture around you. Instead, I believe we should be revolutionary. Instead if reflecting the culture, how can we impact and influence the culture around us. Here's the simple answer; Spend time getting to know the culture around you and pray and ask the Holy Spirit how you can be a part of His cultural revolution. Then listen to The Holy Spirit and do what He leads you to do. - Posted using BlogPress from my Itouch

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