Tuesday, September 29, 2009


In my next few posts to the blog I am going to present you with some questiuons that I myself am wrestling with.
As a pastor, I spend a lot of time observing. Observing the culture and the people that make up the culture. I try to put myself in another's shoes. Try to identify with the way they feel and most importantly, I try to find out what is on God's heart for those I am observing.
A term that is overly used in society today is the phrase "Culturally Relevant." We ask ourselves different questions in regards to this subject; "Is the church culturally relevant?" "Is what we are planning on doing going to be relevant to the culture?" "How relevant is our programs?" "How relevant is our music?" "How relevant is the way we dress?" "How relevant is our teaching and sermons?"
But I think we need to change our mode of thinking. Pastor Matthew Barnett says this in regard to this subject. "The church should not be relevant, but revolutionary!" Being relevant means that we are trying to fit in to the culture but as a church we will always be one step behind. I think that being culturally relevant means that you are one step from being out dated.
The word of God in Isiah 43:19 says this: "See I am doing a new thing!" Notice it doesn't say I am going to copy what the world is doing and bring it into the church. It says a new thing.
I am not sure about you, but I need God to do a new thing in my life every day! I want Him to do a new thing in the church, in my family, in my marriage, in my kids, in my finances.... in every area of my life. I hope you do to.
Here is the key to the new thing. Perception. The verse goes on to say, "Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" or "Do you see it?" The key to the new thing that God is wanting to do in every area of your life is being able to see. Being able to perceive it.
My question for you today is this; What new thing do you want God to do in your life and when it comes will you see it?

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