Friday, March 7, 2008

Conflicted Day

Today I preached a message at a funeral for someone I had never met. It's not the first time, I have had to do it quite a few times. It is such a challenge. The first time I ever laid eyes on this person was when I arrived at the funeral home for the service. Then the challenge is to try to build a bridge between the living people there in that room grieving the death of their friend and family member, with the living God who wants them to know Him. Hopefully as they left, they had some hope. My wife challenged me earlier in the day to look into their eyes and see their souls. It was a very humbling thing. As I looked out over them, it was a stark reminder that we would all at some point end our lives in that 3 foot by 7 foot box. But in all actuality many of us there today would not spend eternity the same way. It's our choice. I am thankful today for the life God has blessed me with. For my family and friends who love me unconditionally. I am thankful that maybe today God used me in some small part to change the eternal destination of someone at that funeral.

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