Thursday, June 4, 2009


Our family travelled to Iowa this last weekend.  It was good to back close to home.  I forgot how big the old cottonwoods get next to the river and how the leaves make that rushing noise when the breeze blows through them.  A couple of times I actually felt my body just relax and exhale.
I am not a tree hugger, but I do appreciate the beauty that God has created around us.  The Bible tells us that the whole earth is filled with Gods glory.  Everything around us reflects the glory of God.  The trees, the river, the birds, the sunsets, the stars in the night sky, and the beauty of the people and how unique each one of us is.  Sometimes we take for granted the mundane things.  But behind the mundane is the miraculous.  
Where do you see the miraculous in your life today?  What mundane thing is God's miraculous waiting behind?  Look for it today.


D. Baker said...

I enjoy your comments immensely. I've experienced many real miracles in my life, yet am in a slump since my Mother passed and my sisters haven't any use of me no matter how much I try. All I'm praying to God for is enthusiam to get back in church, enthusiam to even get out of our home and serve him like I did when on the mountaintop. Thanks for your humble comments.

D. Baker said...

I wrote about a huge miracle in my husband and my life and posted it from an email. I pray you get it on here. I'm in awe of how great our God is always. He works out every situation in his way and his timing. dinah baker, Ulysses