For as Long as I can remember I have struggled with Good Friday. The idea that it is good seems so evil.
What is so good about a man who was hated, beaten, spit upon, had his beard plucked out, a crown of thorns pressed into his head, and last; nails driven through his hands and feet. Then to finish it, prop this man up in the air on a cross to watch Him die a horrific death. What is good about that?
Oh yeah. He was no ordinary man. He was Jesus. The son of God. The punishment he received wasn't for him, for he was innocent. The punishment was for you and I. He took our penalty of death for our sin on himself. That way we could be forgiven.
I guess that's why we call it Good Friday.
- Posted using BlogPress from my Itouch
1 comment:
God loved us so much that he took his only son to die for the sins of the world. I know how hard it would be for me to give up the only son God blessed us with, and mean blessed us with, for someones sins. You see One year after our son was born I was diagnosised With Cancer and was told our son would be our only child so you see it would be quit a sacrafice for us to give our only son. I know how God must have felt.
Joyce Newell
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