I recently received an advance of Mark Batterson’s new book entitled Primal. I am a big Mark Batterson fan. Actually I am a big fan of the God he serves. Both of Batterson’s other books, Wild Goose Chase and In a Pit With a Lion On a Snowy Day, were very informative, practical, and anointed, Primal is another book that is cut from the same tapestry of the previous two.
Mark creative writing captures the attention of the reader immediately. The way that he can take experiences in the natural and link them with spiritual principles is a gift. For instance, the process of descending stairs to get down to the deeper sub-level floors is easily linked to spiritually getting down to the basic important but hidden aspects of our faith personally.
The book is broken down into 4 parts; The Heart, The Soul, The Mind, and the Strength of Christianity. In Chapter 1 I was immediately grabbed by the story Mark tells that resonates deeply within my own life, “In many ways I had become a paid professional Christian. My heart didn’t beat as strongly as it once did. My pulse didn’t quicken in the presence of God like it once had. So God took me back to a very primal place.” My attention was focused and craving now reading this book and letting it soak in.
I hope that you add Primal to your reading list for 2010. I believe that this book has the power to take you to a very primal place in your walk with God if you will let it. I highly recommend this book for every person.
Here is a link to the publisher’s page for Primal. http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/catalog.php?isbn=9781601421319
Pastor Kurt Coleman
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