Friday, May 29, 2009


God has been challenging me quite a bit lately about how I think about Him; About how I relate to Him.  Sometimes I can get so caught up in running around that I forget about how I am suppose to live my life.  
The Message says this in Matthew 25, "That's a terrible way to live!  It's criminal to live cautiously!  If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least?  Take it and give it to the one who risked the most.  Get rid of this play-it-safe who won't go out on a limb"
Pretty harsh words for those who cling so tightly to the traditional church mindset.  Those who have the attitude that risk is sin are missing the truly adventurous Christian life God wants us to live.  Our life is an adventure, a quest, a crusade to bring Christ to the world around us.
The world around us doesn't care about our traditions.  They don't care how busy you are for God.  They want to know if Christianity really works in your life and if we are really unleashing the power of God in our lives and on the earth.
Religion will not capture a person's imagination, only an adventure with God will do.  Our focus has to change from being concerned about rules, religion and retaining the status quo and move to having an adventure with God.
Is your life with Christ religious or adventurous?  Which sounds more interesting and rewarding? 

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