Jesus knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to his Father. He had loved his disciples during his ministry on earth, and now he loved them to the very end.."
John 13:1
Last Sunday I preached on this topic. Love. Loving others and not just saying that you love others but showing them by your actions that you love them. When I look at the church today as a whole many times I see a church that is fractured due to divisions and small arguments. Jesus said that it wouldn't be our beliefs, standards, or doctrines that we should or would be known by. He said that, "All men will know you are my disciples by your love for one another."
In John 13 Jesus after we read of Jesus love for his disciples he then takes the place of a servant and washes the disciples feet. I can't imagine the sight of this, or the shock on the disciples faces when they see their master, teacher, and messiah; the Son of God bowing before them and washing their feet. One word comes to mind for me... Awkward. Peter even argues with Jesus but eventually gives in and lets his Lord and Master wash his feet. I imagine a lot of tears were shed in that upper room as this is one of the most humbling experiences I know of.
In verse 17 of John 13 Jesus concludes this teaching with these words;
"Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them."
Knowing to love and serve others is not enough. Acting and doing is the completion, the obedience to this command. This kind of love is not based of feeling, but on doing.
My question for myself and you is this, How can I act in Love and not just feel in love today with others? Who does God want me to show love to today?