Friday, August 28, 2009

Max Lucado's New Release, Fearless

Fearless by Max Lucado

I just finished reading the new book that will be released September 8th by Max Lucado titled Fearless. This book comes at a very timely moment here in the United States. With all of the coverage the news is giving to the economy, the proposed healthcare plan and terrorism, we are a country that has literally millions who are trapped in a cycle of fear.

This book for me was one of Max Lucado’s best writings to date. I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter and the study guide and the end of the book was very helpful. I am a pastor and used the study guide for one of the chapters for our Wednesday night study. Everyone who was there enjoyed the study. I am planning to use this book and the small group study for one of our Life Groups next semester. It was challenging and inspiring all at once. This book has something for everyone no matter your age or the stage of life you are in right now. Every chapter begins with a story that captures the audience’s attention. I highly recommend this book for every person who struggles with fear.

To learn more about this book, visit

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


There is a really nice place here in Ulysses that I like to go and think. It has lots of trees and flowers and is pretty quiet. I especially like the lighting at night. I was reading my bible at this place this morning and had a thought. As far as I can tell there were no houses in the Garden of Eden. Makes me wonder if originally God made us to live in the outdoors. Before the fall of man I doubt there were many mosquito's. We knew that it didn't rain, and the animals were pretty tame.
When I am outside I kind feel my soul breathe. There is a peace that comes when I pause and thank God for His creation that can only be described as a peace beyond understanding. It is so easy in the hustle and bustle of this world to forget to stop, take a look around us, and praise God for all He has made. I want to encourage you today to take a moment and take in all God has made around us.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Review of The American Patriot’s Bible NKJV published by Thomas Nelson Publishers

I had the opportunity to read and review this new Study Bible. I have to say after reading some other reviews I was curious about this Bible. The articles in this Bible blew me away. There are all sorts of articles that were of interest to me. There is a page that contains the names of all fifty states in the order they were admitted into the United States along with the days of admission. There are several full color featured articles that captured my attention. A few are on the following subjects; The Bible and American Presidents, Christianity in Colonial America, Faith of the Founders, The Great Awakenings, and The Bible and Famous Americans, One of my favorite features is the Presidential Oath Feature. This Bible shows you where our Presidents have placed their hands on the scriptures as they took the Presidential Oath of Office. Some of the subjects that are addressed in the American Patriot’s Bible are John Quincy Adams; Buzz Aldrin, Communion on the Moon; Todd Beamer; Winston Churchill; Columbia University; and Christopher Columbus; There is something in this Bible for everyone. This is a hard bound Bible and will last for generations to come. No matter your political affiliation, you will love this Bible.